Senin, 25 Oktober 2010


UNDERSTANDING LAN and its components

LAN can be defined as a network or networks of systems
limited computer located in one building, one kompleksgedung
or a campus and not using common media of communication facilities
such as telephone, but the owner and manager of media communications
is the owner of the LAN itself.
From the above definition we can know that a LAN is limited by
physical location. The use of the LAN itself mengakibatkansemua
computers connected in a network can exchange data or with
In other words related. This cooperation is increasingly grown from just
exchange of data through the use of equipment together.
LAN which generally use a hub, the hub will follow the principle that
own. In this case is that the hub does not have pengetahuantentang
destination address so that delivery of broadcast data, and also because
hub has only one collision domain so that if one port
busy then the other ports have to wait.

Basic LAN Components

Some of the basic components of a LAN is usually formed as

• Workstation
Workstation is a node or host in the form of a computer system.
This computer system can be either a PC or can be in the form of a computer
such a large minicomputer systems, even a mainframe.
Workstation to work independently (stand-alone) can also use
network to exchange data with other workstations or users.

• Server
Hardware (hardware) which works to serve the network and
workstations that are connected to the network generally tersebut.pada source
power (resources) such as printers, disks, etc., that would
used jointly by the users on workstations located and
work on the server. Based on the type of service known as disk servers,
file server, print server, and a server can also have some
service function as well.

• Link (link)
Workstations and servers can not function if the equipment
physically not connected. That relationship in a LAN is known as
transmission media is generally in the form of cable. As for some examples of
link is:
1.Kabel Twisted Pair
• The cable is divided into two, namely Shielded and Unshielded Twisted Pair Twisted
Pair (UTP)
• More is known as a telephone cable
• Relatively inexpensive
• Short Distance
• Easily influenced by disturbance
• The speed of data that can be supported is limited, 10-16 Mbps

Coaxial 2.Kabel
• Commonly used on television
• Distances are relatively more distant
• higher data transmission speeds in the appeal Twisted Pair, 30 Mbps
• Prices are relatively inexpensive
• The size is larger than Twisted Pair

3.Kabel Fiber Optic
• The long distance
• high data speeds, 100 Mbps
• the relatively small size
• Difficult influenced disorders
• Prices are still relatively expensive
• Installation is relatively difficult

• Network Interface Card (NIC)
A workstation is not connected directly by cable network
or transceiver cable, but through an electronic circuit that
specifically designed to handle network protocol known as
Network Interface Card (NIC).

• Network Software
Without the software the network then the network will not work
as desired. The software also enables the system
one computer to communicate with other computer systems.

LAN Support Tools

• At OSI, working at the Physical layer
• Continue and strengthen the signal
• Widely used in bus topology
• Its use is easy and relatively cheap price
• Not having knowledge of the destination address so that delivery
data broadcast
• Only have one collision domain so that if one port is busy
then the other ports have to wait.

• Work on the Physical layer
• Continue signal
• Not having knowledge of the destination address
• Its use is relatively easy and affordable
• Only have one collision domain

• Working in the Data Link layer
• It has been using these addresses to pass data to its destination
• Automatically create table translator for acceptance masing2 port

• Working in the Data Link layer
• Each port in the swith has its own collision domain
• Having a central translation table that has a list of interpreters to
all ports
• Allows full transmission duflex (both directions)

• Router function to filter or filter the data traffic
• Determine and select an alternative path to be traversed by the data
• Connecting the network between LAN, WAN and even with

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