To set the address of each computer on a network, is used an IP Address. IP Address is an address given to the network equipment can be identified by computer to another computer. Thus, each computer can perform processes exchange data / information, access the Internet, or access to a computer network using TCP / IP. IP Address used to identify network interfaces on the host from a machine (computer). IP Address consists of a group of 32-bit binary number that is divided into 4 parts. Each part consists of 8 bits, which means having a decimal value from 0 to 255. Each 8 bits are called octets. IP Address form is as follows:
Any sign of a symbol "x" can we replace the number 0 and 1, for example:
Notation IP Address with the binary number as above is not easy to read and memorized. Therefore, for ease in reading and remembering an IP address in the network, IP addresses are often written as 4 decimal numbers, each separated by a dot. Each decimal number represents the value of one octet (8 bits) IP Address, for example:
192. 168. 0. 1
IP addresses can be separated into two parts, the host ID and network ID. Host ID serves to identify the host within a network. While the Network ID serves to identify a network from another network. This means that all hosts are connected on the same network have the same network ID as well. Some of the bits of the initial part of the IP Address is the network ID or network number, while the rest is for the host. The dividing line between the network and hosts are not fixed (constant), depending on the class of network that we use.
There are several classes of IP addresses used in TCP / IP in a network, namely class A, class B, class C, class D and class E.
In class A network IP address, the first bits of the IP address is 0. The first bit and the next 7 bits (8 bits per ¬ all) is the network ID, while the last is a 24 bit host ID. So the only there are 128 class A network IP address with a range of until
In class B network IP address, 2 bits of the IP address is 10. Two bits of this and the next bit (16 bits) is the network ID. While the last 16 bits are the host ID. So there are 16 384 in class B network IP address with a range of to
In class C network IP address, the first 3 bits of the IP Address is 110. Three bits of this and the next 21 bits (24 bits) is the network ID. While the last 8 bits is the host ID. Then the class C, there are more than 2 million network IP address with a range of to
On D-class IP network address, the first 4 bits of the IP Address is 1 1 1 0. While the remaining bits are used to group hosts on the network with the IP range of - 239 255 255 255. Class D IP address used for multicasting, namely the use of the application jointly by a number of computers. Multicasting function to send information on host number register. Hosts are grouped with the register or the register itself to the local router using multicast addresses from the Address class range of IP addresses D. One use of the multicast address on the internet today is the application of real time video conference involving more than two hosts (multipoint) using Mbone (Multicast Backbone).
In the E-class IP network address, the first 4 bits of the IP Address is 1 1 1 1. E class has an IP address range between - 254 255 255 255. E-class IP Address is the IP address class experiments ¬ lawyers prepared to use the IP Address in the future.
Based on the type of IP address can be divided into 2 kinds of IP Private and Public IP.
Private IP is an IP address used by an organization that is destined for the local network. So that other organizations from outside the organization is not able to communicate with the local network. Examples of its use is on an intranet network.
Meanwhile, the Private IP Range is as follows:
Class A: - 10,255,255,255
Class B: -
Class C: - 192 168 255 255
Public IP is an IP address used on the local network by an organization and other organizations from outside the organization can communicate directly with the local network. Examples of its use is on the Internet.
While the range of Public IP: IP address ranges that are not included in the Private IP.
Subnetting is the division of a group of IP addresses to some other network ID with the number of members of smaller networks, called the subnet (subnetwork).
Subnet Mask is a 32 bit binary number that is used for:
• Distinguish between the network ID with the host ID.
• Indicate the location of a host, whether the host is located on the outside network or local network.
The purpose in doing this subnetting are:
• Divide the class netwok one of a number of subnetworks with the meaning of dividing a class of network into parts smaller.
• Placing a host, whether it be in one network or not.
• To overcome the problem of hardware differences with the physical topology of the network.
• Use of IP Address that is more efficient.
There are two approaches in conducting the formation of a subnet, namely:
• Based on the number of networks will be established.
• Based on the number of hosts that are formed in the network.
Both will be used to determine the efficiency of pe ¬ nomoran IP in a network environment. On the whole subnet mask bits associated with the host ID is set to 0. While the bits associated with the network ID is set 1.
To determine a network hosts are on the outside or on the local network, we can perform AND operation between the subnet mask with the IP address of origin and destination IP addresses, and compare the results so that can know where the destination of the IP packet. If both results are the same operation, then the destination host is located on the local network and the IP packets are sent directly to the host destination. If the result is different, then the host is located outside the local network, so that IP packets are sent to the default router.
The development of networks and the Internet is growing very rapidly of late to make the Internet Protocol (IP) is often used in networks with TCP / IP to be missed. In particular, because now it has found many applications on the Internet that require a network IP capacity is very large and with a number of very much. These applications include email, multimedia using the Internet, remote access, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and so forth. This application requires supply network services faster and more security functionality into the most important factor in it.
The need for such security functions can not be met by IPv4, because at this IP has its limitations, which only has a long address to 32 bits only. Thus, an IP was created to overcome the resource limitations of Internet Protocol which has began to decrease and have a reliable safety function (Relia ¬ bility). IP is IPv6 (IP version 6), or also called IPNG (IP Next Generation). IPV6 is a development of previous IP is IPv4. In this there are 2 IP addresses with addresses of 128 bits long.
Use and IPV4 settings on the network today began experiencing various problems and constraints. At the start of the problem of allocation of IP addresses that will be fully used because of the many hosts that are connected or connected to the Internet, given the length of which only 32 bit addresses and can not support the need for secure communications.
IPv6 has a higher security level because it is on the level of the Network Layer, which can include all levels of application. This is different from the IPV4 who works at the application level. Therefore, IPv6 support for preparing the address in a structured, which allows the Internet continues to grow and provide new routing capabilities not found in IPv4.
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