Rabu, 28 November 2012
Selasa, 09 November 2010
Mempersiapkan Perbaikan Konektifitas Jaringan pada PC yang Bermasalah
Persiapan untuk melakukan perbaikan konektifitas jaringan pada komputer client yang bermasalah harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui peralatan-peralatan yang akan digunakan dan dibutuhkan dalam jaringan tersebut. Selain peralatan dalam proses perbaikan konektifitas kita juga harus mengetahui jenis topologi jaringan yang digunakan oleh komputer client tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan agar dalam proses persiapan dan proses perbaikan kita tidak menggunakan sistem trial and error yang berarti kita hanya mencoba-coba saja tanpa mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi sebenarnya. Pada pembahasan berikut akan membahas tentang persiapan perbaikan konektiftas pada jaringan dengan topologi Bus dan Star. Alasan pembahasan hanya pada jaringan dengan topologi Bus dan Star karena kedua jaringan paling bayak digunakan.
1. Persiapan Perbaikan Konektivitas pada Jaringan dengan Topologi Bus
Merupakan topologi fisik yang menggunakan kabel Coaxial dengan menggunakan T-Connector dengan terminator 50 ohm pada ujung jaringan. Topologi bus menggunakan satu kabel yang kedua ujungnya ditutup serta sepanjang kabel terdapat node-node.
To set the address of each computer on a network, is used an IP Address. IP Address is an address given to the network equipment can be identified by computer to another computer. Thus, each computer can perform processes exchange data / information, access the Internet, or access to a computer network using TCP / IP. IP Address used to identify network interfaces on the host from a machine (computer). IP Address consists of a group of 32-bit binary number that is divided into 4 parts. Each part consists of 8 bits, which means having a decimal value from 0 to 255. Each 8 bits are called octets. IP Address form is as follows:
Pengertian Osi Layer
Masalah utama dalam komunikasi antar komputer dari vendor yang berbeda adalah karena mereka mengunakan protocol dan format data yang berbeda-beda. Untuk mengatasi ini, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) membuat suatu arsitektur komunikasi yang dikenal sebagai Open System Interconnection (OSI) model yang mendefinisikan standar untuk menghubungkan komputer-komputer dari vendor-vendor yang berbeda.
Kamis, 04 November 2010
Setting & Installation Network in A Warnet
who have never ngeliat Warnet, this Dya picture on the left side!
Well usually the notion of setting setting up only those who have advanced in IT World, With a fairly decent set fee they are willing to assist us in building a cafe that should be we use as a Production Unit.
but I think if we have the will to do it, Why Not? Betull?
Ignorance of how a network system to run smoothly is the main reason for us to continue to use their power.
Below is a basic plan of the installation at cafe Fantasy I (Warnet imam77) internet which have 1 server & 12 clients as shown in the picture below:
Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Understanding the Internet
The Internet is a global network of computers of the world, big and very wide at all in which each computer are connected to each other from country to country around the world and contains various information, ranging from text, images, audio, video, and more.
Internet itself comes from the word Interconnection Networking, which means the relationship of many computer networks with various types and species, using a type of communication such as telephone, salelit, and others.
In a set of integration and computer network communication protocol that uses TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) duty to ensure that all links are working properly, while the IP (Internet Protocol) which transmits data from one computer to another. TPC / IP in general serves to choose the best route of transmission of data, choosing an alternative route if a route can not be in use, manage and transmit packets of data transmission.
Information technology is a technique to collect, prepare, store, process, publish, analyze, and disseminate information.
Computer is an electronic data processing equipment, magnetic, optical, or systems that perform logic functions, arithmetic, and storage.
Electronic information is one or a set of electronic data including but not limited to text, sounds or images, maps, plans, photographs, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex, telecopy or the like, letters, signs, numbers, codes access, symbols or perforations having meaning or significance or can be understood by those able to comprehend that have been processed so that is meaningful.