Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Understanding The Internet

Understanding the Internet

Understanding the Internet
The Internet is a global network of computers of the world, big and very wide at all in which each computer are connected to each other from country to country around the world and contains various information, ranging from text, images, audio, video, and more.
Internet itself comes from the word Interconnection Networking, which means the relationship of many computer networks with various types and species, using a type of communication such as telephone, salelit, and others.

In a set of integration and computer network communication protocol that uses TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) duty to ensure that all links are working properly, while the IP (Internet Protocol) which transmits data from one computer to another. TPC / IP in general serves to choose the best route of transmission of data, choosing an alternative route if a route can not be in use, manage and transmit packets of data transmission.

ITE Understanding

ITE understanding

Information technology is a technique to collect, prepare, store, process, publish, analyze, and disseminate information.
Computer is an electronic data processing equipment, magnetic, optical, or systems that perform logic functions, arithmetic, and storage.

Electronic information is one or a set of electronic data including but not limited to text, sounds or images, maps, plans, photographs, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex, telecopy or the like, letters, signs, numbers, codes access, symbols or perforations having meaning or significance or can be understood by those able to comprehend that have been processed so that is meaningful.

Pengertian WAN

“Wide-Area Network (WAN) adalah jaringan (network) komputer yang luas secara geografik. Maksudnya, satu WAN terdiri dari dua atau lebih Local-Area Networks (LAN). LAN adalah jaringan komputer yang tidak luas, misalnya kebanyakan LAN terbatas di satu gedung atau beberapa gedung saja.”

FTP - File Transfer Protocol. Protokol (seperangkat aturan yang mengatur secara tepat format komunikasi antar sistem) standar untuk kegiatan lalu-lintas file (upload maupun download) antara dua komputer yang terhubung dengan jaringan. Sebagian sistem FTP mensyaratkan untuk diakses hanya oleh mereka yang memiliki hak untuk itu dengan menggunakan login tertentu.”


UNDERSTANDING LAN and its components

LAN can be defined as a network or networks of systems
limited computer located in one building, one kompleksgedung
or a campus and not using common media of communication facilities
such as telephone, but the owner and manager of media communications
is the owner of the LAN itself.
From the above definition we can know that a LAN is limited by
physical location. The use of the LAN itself mengakibatkansemua
computers connected in a network can exchange data or with
In other words related. This cooperation is increasingly grown from just
exchange of data through the use of equipment together.
LAN which generally use a hub, the hub will follow the principle that
own. In this case is that the hub does not have pengetahuantentang
destination address so that delivery of broadcast data, and also because
hub has only one collision domain so that if one port
busy then the other ports have to wait.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Adobe Photoshop

1.1. What is Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop image processing software is very powerful with all amenities. Result image with Adobe Photoshop if this many visits on various websites, brochures, newspapers, magazines and other media. To download Adobe Photoshop click here.

1.2. Know the Work Area

Run Adobe Photoshop then select File menu -> Open. Then select any open image. For example in the existing open zhaow.jpg images on CD Tutorial section Chapter I (see figure 1.1).

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010



Pengertian Jaringan
Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas computer dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama. Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah:
• Membagi sumber daya: contohnya berbagi pemakaian printer, CPU, memori, harddisk
• Komunikasi: contohnya surat elektronik, instant messaging, chatting
• Akses informasi: contohnya web browsing